O artista Guy Laramée criou são duas séries de paisagens incríveis intitulada de Biblios e A Grande Muralha, ambas esculpidas em livros, onde as páginas densas de livros antigos são escavados para revelar montanhas sereno, planaltos, e as estruturas antigas. Destes trabalhos, ele diz:
'o I carve landscapes out of books and I paint Romantic landscapes. Mountains of disused knowledge return to what they really are: mountains. They erode a bit more and they become hills. Then they flatten and become fields where apparently nothing is happening. Piles of obsolete encyclopedias return to that which does not need to say anything, that which simply IS. Fogs and clouds erase everything we know, everything we think we are.'
Incrível né? E vc aí reclamando q não têm material!! rss
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